Bird, Bird, Bird, Bird is the Word

A couple years ago I got the wild idea it would be interesting to start a new hobby. Bird watching sounded good. I purchased a decent pair of Bushnell (waterproof, just to make sure) binoculars for 100 bucks and set out to spot some bird species as well as flora and fauna. The great outdoors! I didn’t see many birds the first few weekends with my new (waterproof) binoculars. I became bored rather quickly and soon those Bushnell’s were gathering dust on my closet shelf. Shortly thereafter I relocated from Missouri to South Carolina. Surely there were birds in the south. I also thought to myself that there must be an easier way to view birds other than walking through the woods and searching the tree tops for whistling sounds or flying creatures rustling the limbs. Eureka! ( As Archimedes once exclaimed) I have it! So guess what I did? I set up a bird feeder in my front yard. I had more birds the first day than I did in weeks of tree-top watching with those Bushnell’s. My first seed was a variety seed which attracted many birds but I learned very quickly what most birds really love. Sunflower seeds! Sunflower seeds seem to work the best and I am well on my way to identifying nearly 20 different species of birds in my little bird community and having a great time. Photographing birds is a bit trickier. Even with a telephoto lens patience is not only a virtue but a must! But the rewards are well worth it. I still use the Bushnell binoculars and I hope you enjoy (just a few images) I have recorded here this summer here in Florence, South Carolina.

CLIcK on First Image to VIEW ALL Fully!!! 🙂

Disclaimer: I have done my best to identify these birds properly. I do have a B.S. degree but I’m certainly not an ornithologist. Please feel free to comment or correct me (I won’t be offended) if I have made any errors. I am still learning. Birds are kewl! Photography is the bomb!